
While routine cleaning and checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health, there may be times when you need to see a dentist for a more specialized procedure. Abra Dental is devoted to providing patients with an all-inclusive dental experience and offers various specialty services to ensure your smile stays healthy.

Beyond Routine Dental Services

From extractions and bondings to implants and gingival health assessments, Abra Dental is equipped to handle all of your dental needs. Whether your issue is cosmetic or functional, we have the resources, knowledge, and experience to help. With some of the best doctors in the area, we are able to provide patients with the outstanding care they deserve.


A dental extraction is only considered after every effort has been made to repair or…

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Dental sealants are a quick and painless treatment that protects the shape and structure…

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Gingival Health Assessment

Gums play a vital role in your oral health and should be given the attention they deserve…

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Lip & Tongue Tie Evaluations

We recommend having your child assessed for a lip or tongue tie during the…

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Oral Cancer Screenings

Regular oral cancer screenings are one of the best ways to uncover this disease in…

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